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PA 101 - Saturday, March 7th
Nearly three hours of information to get you started as a great production assistant! Learn the following, and ask whatever questions you want during the Q&A session at the end:
1. Where to find work
2. The differences between sets
3. What to wear
4. Who does what on set
5. Equipment basics
6. Walkie talkie etiquette
7. And more!
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM at 8775 Cloudleap Ct, Columbia, MD 21045 (Long Reach Community Association) in the Jeffers Room.
1. Where to find work
2. The differences between sets
3. What to wear
4. Who does what on set
5. Equipment basics
6. Walkie talkie etiquette
7. And more!
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM at 8775 Cloudleap Ct, Columbia, MD 21045 (Long Reach Community Association) in the Jeffers Room.
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More Details
Your teacher is Alexis Barone, who has been a PA on movies like "All Square" and "Charm City", worked on numerous HGTV shows, Travel Channel shows, with Thrillist Media, on presidential campaign ads, and more.

Mission statement:
My main goal is to give the basic tools necessary to PAs and actors (or anyone looking to be part of the film industry) to survive and thrive on sets as production assistants. Additional benefits include learning more about the process of making a movie from behind-the-scenes, and gaining a greater appreciation for their fellow creatives.
Everyone is busy, and I get that. My seminar will be no more than 3 hours in length, and is designed to go over the basics of being a production assistant. For PA 101, I will go over the fundamentals of being a PA on set: how to read a call sheet, what to wear and when, walkie talkie etiquette, identifying and building basic equipment, etc.
Currently, the curriculum will follow this rough outline and cover the topics included:
1. How to read a call sheet
We will go over how to read a call sheet, and what kind of cool information you can take away!
In addition, we will go over the basics of what to do and not to do on set, and how to identify who is who. Like, what does a grip do anyway?
2. The differences between sets
What to expect when you’re on a commercial, an indie, a TV show, a big production, etc.
3. What to wear
Some people just don’t know how to dress for a job. We will discuss what should always be in your wardrobe!
4. What you’ll see on set
Here we will introduce common equipment you’re going to see.
5. Equipment basics
We will learn how to set up common equipment commonly found on sets.
6. Walkie talkie etiquette
This is how you really impress people. Can you say, “Go for Success”?
7. Where to find work
I'll show you some resources to use and scams to avoid!
8. Additional information
We will use this time to go over union sets and rules, camera lingo, where/how to find jobs, things you can have with you always, and review any sociolect covered in this seminar. (every student will go home with a list of vocabulary used)
9. Q & A
Open for review.
If you have any questions about the course, email mountainmistmedia@gmail.com with the subject "PA 101".